Instruments of the world is an encyclopedia listing up to 200 musical instruments from all over the world (non-exhaustive list). For each instrument, you'll be able to discover a detailed description, along with pictures and sound. FOR NUMEROUS INSTRUMENTS, A VIDEO ILLUSTRATION, IS AVAILABLE. Instruments of the World is a website that evolves regularly for better documentation and better visual and sound comfort.

From the menu, find the instruments classified by :

  • Ensemble, band and group.
  • Family.
  • Place of origins.
  • In alphabetical order.

Instruments of the World is available to all audiences but can also be used as a support for teachers, and especially to English teachers from France and French-speaking countries.

Citation : Any object that can be used to produce a sound played by a musician, whether designed, modified or removed from its original use, can be considered a musical instrument. Hands or voice, even if they are not objects, are considered to be musical instruments as long as they contribute to a musical work.